National recognition
The qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by Australian Prime Institute must be automatically recognised by all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) across Australia. In turn, Australian Prime Institute recognises the qualifications issued by RTOs in all other States and Territories. This allows people to move around Australia from different employers being confident that their qualification will be equally recognised.
Competency based training
Competency based training is training that develops the required knowledge and skills to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments. Competency is achieved by being assessed against requirements of the unit of competency. Your assessor will make a judgment of your competency after reviewing all the different types of assessment evidence you provide.
Training Packages
Training Packages represent the national industry benchmarks for Vocational Education and Training. Training packages set out the competency to be achieved but do not state how the training should be delivered. This means that students may complete their qualification in different ways between various training organisations. The training package also specifies the relevant qualification rules including the compulsory core units are included in a course and the elective units which are available.
Delivery of training
Students will receive all the training for which they have enroled. To be awarded a qualification, all assignments and assessments must be completed to a satisfactory level and submitted in accordance with instructions and within timeframes prescribed. Students are advised of the specific requirements to receive a qualification in their area of study as part of enrolment and when training delivery commences
Results and certificates
On completing the training program with Australian Prime Institute, you will receive a nationally recognised qualification. The qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Qualifications are formatted to a uniform standard to ensure they are valid documents and will be instantly recognised throughout Australia. A qualification issued by Australian Prime Institute will be accompanied by a transcript which will detail the units of competency issued within the qualification. Where a student does not complete the entire course requirements, they may be entitled to receive a Statement of Attainment. A Statement of Attainment is issued by a Registered Training Organisation when an individual has completed one or more accredited units. A Statement of Attainment can be used as a basis for recognition of your current competence with other Registered Training Organisations. A statement of results will be available to you upon request throughout your training. This will provide you information on your progress.
The Unique Student Identifier
If you're studying nationally recognised training in Australia, you will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcript) that you have completed from 1 January 2015 onwards. When applying for a job or enroling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results (transcript). One of the main benefits of the USI is the ability to provide students with easy access to their training records and results (transcript) throughout their life. You can access your USI account online from your computer, tablet or smart phone anytime. It's free and easy to create your own USI and will only take a few minutes of your time. Alternatively, we can create your USI on your behalf. To do this we will need some additional identification information from you such as your driver’s license number and/or passport. Our enrolment process will clarify what you need to know. There are several unique circumstances where a person may be exempt from requiring a USI. These do not apply to the vast majority of learners in Australia. The USI Exemption Table is available from the USI website which explains these circumstances. Exemptions from the USI | Unique Student Identifier. Individuals who have a genuine personal objection to being assigned a USI can apply for an exemption to the Student Identifiers Registrar. Individuals who have been exempted must show the original of this notice to their training organisation. Training organisations will not need to collect a USI in order to issue a VET qualification or statement of attainment to exempt individuals. If the student later wants a USI the training completed under exemption cannot be added to their USI account retrospectively.
Student rights
- Be treated fairly and with respect by others
- Learn in an environment free from discrimination and harassment
- Learn in a supportive environment which is free from harassment, discrimination and victimisation
- Learn in a healthy and safe environment where the risks to personal health and safety are managed and minimised
- Have personal details and records kept private and secure according to our Privacy and Personal Information Policy
- Apply to have your existing skills and knowledge recognised
- Have complaints dealt with fairly, promptly, confidentially and without fear of any repercussions and make appeals about
procedural and assessment decisions - Be given clear and accurate information about their course, training and assessment arrangements and their progress
- Receive training, assessment and support services that meet their individual needs accessing support needed to effectively participate in the training program
- Provide feedback to Australian Prime Institute , on the client services, training, assessment and support services they receive
Student responsibilities
- Read and adhere to all the information, policies and procedures as outlined in this Student Handbook
- Take ownership of your role as a learner take ownership of your role as a learner
- Treat all people with fairness and respect and do not do anything that could offend, discriminate, victimise, disrupt or threaten others
- Follow all safety policies and procedures as directed by staff and report any perceived risks as they become known.
- Provide relevant and accurate information to Australian Prime Institute, in a timely manner and notify Australian Prime Institute, if any personal or contact details change
- Progress through learning programs in line with timeframes, completing all assessment tasks, learning activities and assignments honestly and without plagiarism
- Prepare appropriately for all assessment tasks, visits and training sessions
- Make regular contact with their Training/ Assessor and notify Australian Prime Institute, if they are unable to attend training session for any reason as soon as possible
- Notify Australian Prime Institute, if any difficulties arise as part of their involvement in the program
- Make payments, if required, for their training within agreed timeframes
Student progress
Participants will be advised of their training schedule through academic timetable.
Students are expected to participate in all training activities and carry out any tasks that are required to achieve competency. You should complete these tasks to the best of your ability and in a timely manner. Repeated failure to complete set tasks or attend scheduled training may result in suspension of your training. Your trainer will then discuss an action plan with you to address the performance issue and provide you with opportunities to recommence training if appropriate.
If you are unable to attend a programmed training session then you must make every effort to contact Australian Prime Institute, 48 hours before the session to discuss a plan to maintain progress. This may involve a catch-up class, extra self-paced study or another method agreed to with your trainer. Excessive absences may result in suspensions or cancellation. Australian Prime Institute will attempt to contact students who do not attend all classes from a program to arrange alternate arrangement. If students are unresponsive or non-contactable after 3 contact attempts, they may be withdrawn from the program.
Withdrawal from a course
If you wish to terminate your participation in the training program, please inform your trainer or Australian Prime Institute, Reception immediately and complete a withdrawal form. This will that your Statement of Attainment can be awarded to you promptly for the work you have successfully completed. Australian Prime Institute may also withdraw participants who are no longer seen to be actively engaged in their training programs. ensure
Student support
Australian Prime Institute caters to diverse student learning needs and aims to identify and respond to the learning needs of all students. Students are encouraged to express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning experience, from the initial enrolment stage onwards.
Australian Prime Institute is committed to providing support, advice, or assistance during training to all students. To ensure the quality delivery of training and assessment, Australian Prime Institute, provides:
Student vocational counselling to improve and extend training outcomes. You can make an appointment for:
• education and career counselling, or
• assistance when applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Personal counselling services are available to all clients. These services may take the form of advice from management or referral to other services. Personal counselling services include but are not
restricted to:
• Conflict resolution
• Stress management
• Access and equity issues
• Client welfare and support
Language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) support is available to provide students with advice and support services in the provision of language, literacy, and numeracy assessment services. Students needing (LLN) support are identified on enrolment. Students requiring any assistance or support with language, literacy or numeracy should speak confidentially with their trainer. Our experienced staff can discuss different ways of conducting training and assessment to assist students in achieving competence.
If a student needs LLN assistance beyond the capacity of Australian Prime Institute, the will refer the student to an appropriate LLN provider.
Australian Prime Institute is committed to providing you a safe environment in which to participate in training and assessment. The following guidelines are provided as a basis for safe practice in the training environment:
• Know and observe details of emergency response and evacuation plans.
• Do not undertake activities which may cause injury to self or others.
• Be responsible for your own actions.
• No smoking at the training and assessment facilities or offices.
• Report all potential hazards, accidents and near misses to the RTO staff.
• If you are involved in any accident which results in personal injury and /or damage to equipment or facilities, notify the Trainer immediately.
• No consumption of illicit substances within training and assessment facilities or during the conduct of training and assessment.
• Always keep training and assessment areas neat and tidy.
• Seek assistance if you volunteer to lift items e.g., move furniture in a training area; and
• Observe hygiene standards particularly in eating and bathroom areas.
Australian Prime Institute is committed to ensuring that the training and assessment environment is free from discrimination and harassment. All Australian Prime Institute staff members (including contractors) are aware that discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If discrimination and harassment is found to have occurred disciplinary action will be taken against any staff member who breaches this policy. Suspected criminal behaviour will be reported to police authorities immediately.
Students who feel that they have been discriminated against or harassed should report this information to a staff member of Australian Prime Institute that they feel they can trust. This will initiate a complaint handling procedure which will be fair and transparent and will protect your rights as a complainant. Alternatively, if a student wishes to report an instance of discrimination or harassment to an agency external to Australian Prime Institute, they are advised to contact the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) Complaints
Info-line on 1300 656 419
Australian Prime Institute takes the privacy of students very seriously and complies with all legislative requirements. These include the Privacy Act 1988 and Australian Privacy Principles 2014. Australian Prime Institute only collects personal data that is reasonably necessary for /or directly related to the student’s enrolment and training activity. Information collected includes:
• Personal information as detailed in the enrolment form
• Funding eligibility evidence (where applicable) as determined by the NSW Training Services, Department of Industry
• Results of training and performance evaluations including assessments, RPL assessments and language literacy & numeracy evaluations
• Australian Prime Institute, personnel will update client personal details without charge being applied to ensure client information remains current, accurate and complete.
• Any unsolicited information provided shall be destroyed (where lawful to do so) as soon as practicable to ensure that the information is de-identified.
Student information is only shared with external agencies such as registering authorities to meet compliance requirements as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). All information shared is kept in the strictest confidence by both parties and is available on request. Australian Prime Institute is required to collect and report full Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) data in accordance with the
National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy. As part of the enrolment process, we are required to obtain an individual’s Unique Student Identifier or sufficient information to obtain the Unique Student Identifiers on behalf of an individual. The privacy of individuals is protected in line with the Student Identifiers Act 2014 and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Where an individual has authorised Australian Prime Institute to create a USI on their behalf, the personal information collected for the purpose of creating a USI shall be destroyed as soon as possible after the USI application has been made or it is no longer needed for that purpose. The only exception to this requirement is where Australian Prime Institute, is required under or by another law to retain the information. In some cases, we are required by law to make student information available to others such as the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research. In all other cases Australian Prime Institute will seek the written permission of the student for such disclosure.
Australian Prime Institute charges fees for items or services provided to students undertaking a course of study. These charges are generally for items such as course materials or textbooks, amenities fees and training and assessment services. The course fee schedule and refund arrangements are located on the website. All students are issued with an offer letter prior to enrolment clearly stating the full cost of the course relevant to them. This offer letter will itemise fees including tuition fees, administration fees and amenities fees. Australian Prime Institute does not collect more than $1,500 in advance
before the actual course start date. Fees may be incurred for recognition of prior learning. Please refer to your trainer or the website for specific fees.
Guarantee of Service
Australian Prime Institute is committed to completing the outlined training and assessment once students have commenced their study and to meeting all its student responsibilities. In the unlikely event that Australian Prime Institute is unable to commence or complete the course, it will, if possible, arrange for the agreed training and assessment to be completed through another RTO (fees may be incurred). Prior to the transfer to another RTO, affected students will be formally notified of the arrangements, and an agreement to those arrangements, including any refund of fees, will be obtained. If transfer is not possible, Australian Prime Institute will provide a refund of any unused portion of the fee.
Replacement of text and training workbooks
Students who require replacement of issued text or training workbooks will be liable for additional charges to cover the cost of replacement. For a full list of replacement charges please refer to Australian Prime Institute schedule of fees and charges on the Student Resources page on the website.
Australian Prime Institute undertakes to ensure that it provides financial safeguards for fees, charges and subsidies received from all students and training service clients. We ensure that all fees and charges paid are recorded in the appropriate manner to guarantee financial integrity. Australian Prime Institute takes a fair and reasonable approach to refunds. The table below details a range of scenarios and the refunds available. To apply for a refund, contact your Australian Prime Institute trainer or reception. Where a student has purchased a text or training workbooks and subsequently cancels, Australian Prime Institute will not refund monies for the text unless a written request for a refund is received and Australian Prime Institute is satisfied that the text is in as-new condition.
Payment method
Australian Prime Institute accepts payment for fees using:
• Credit Card
• Electronic Funds Transfer (account details available on request)
• Cheque (made payable to Australian Prime Institute)
• Payment in cash is discouraged.